Sunday, September 13, 2009

…9/13-09: my age, my health, my time, my call

60º in ABQ; 74% humidity at 6A…MQ1 drone from Holloman AFB crashed, the device was worth millions; Brad prepared Jerk Marinated Chicken Breast , served on Skewers, and served with a Creamy Cucumber Dipping Sauce; Hispanic Cultural Education CTR named for Pete Domenici; home invasion at Fourth & Candelaria, with $4K taken in cash, jewelry, & electronics: the owner of the house was a Marine who was attending a 9–11 ceremony; cannot wash clothes today: water leak somewhere in our APT, or the one below us, or the garage below that…guest bathroom shower is also ‘off limits’; man kills his girlfriend’s father, charged with voluntary manslaughter; Socorro cemetery vandalized, lack of graveyard security; police car crash with motorcycle at Candelaria & Juan Tabo; a new TV station for NM, Estrella, broadcasting only Spanish programs; NM has a new [D] chairman; a City Different man was found nearly beaten to death near Fiesta de Santa Fe festival; 9–11 memorial dedicated in Rio Rancho Park; prairie dog colony attracted badgers to Duke City school;
Chicago has the Magnificent Mile’; DC protestors chanted. “give me liberty, not debt; the color of cold in WY; Paula Dean’s pans crack when heated; the 400 pound python found in a FL backyard; after ten years of marriage, people are forming opinions about Obama; Hugh Hefner files for divorce papers, his wife was a former Playboy bunny; the health care ‘public option’ is gasping for breath, the bill will not add ‘one dime’ to the deficit…maybe a billion dimes, but not just one; the ‘gang of six’, three [D], three [R] may be able to finalize a deal this week; instantaneous updates on electronic textbooks; remember: while they are on the rise, the stock market dropped 5K points before it reversed course; as of today, the Red Sox are in second place behind the Yankees, by 7.5 games; another one for the weird book: NJ student threatened to kill a teach if everyone did not get good grades; there are online training camps for terrorists;Sir Elton John wants to adopt a Ukrainian child; two Bond movies in 1983; the horrors of Bagram prison in AFG; the latest celestial phenomenon in space is waste matter from Discovery astronauts;

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