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…3/24-09: look up & in, not down & out
36º in ABQ; 42% humidity at 6A…GAQ; yesterday’s police chase on I-40 reached speeds of 100 mph; NM GOV death penalty decision making NATL news; harmless ‘suspicious package’ found at Farmington political office; man stabbed several times in ABQ APT complex; ‘talk to the GOV’ tomorrow; raise taxes or cut Duke City bus routes; NM museum revenue has dropped; Roswell Boys & Girls Club faces closing due to budget problems; more money by state employees to pensions; the ‘snoop sisters’; NM ranks number one for workers without health INS; gas leak shut down San Mateo & Cutler, near the I-40 ramp; CO business wants to build solar plant in NM; task force formed to keep the College of Santa Fe open, should have initial results by 4/30/09; selling crushed peanuts as ‘crack to make money, and buy real drugs; eleven states, including NM, received a ‘D’ grade in battling teen dating violence: only five states got an ‘A’; we are one inch below AVG rainfall this year;
it’s only a matter of time before the cycle turns, and she’s mad at me again; sat to the L of Susan, across Joann; door slammed into my R pinky finger; a ‘self insured system’ at UNM, with no increase in cost; Candace asked JoAnn how many drop-off locations for coded charges…the answer: one; finished Rounds [by label] by 8A; Internal Medicine on the Third Floor shares the same courier stop; Kay was at the meeting, I sat next to Susan, JoAnn was across from me; there is something wrong with the online Coding software; training for doctors held on a quarterly basis; Jenny going to Psych: Darrell, to PEDS; are ‘extremities’ one, or four?; I forgot to take my lunch medication; where will Darrell sit?; we hide our hatred;
overnight, sixth volcanic eruption of Mt. Redoubt, ash could be hazardous to health; WY
blizzard, some parts of I-94 is still closed; get ready for Day Two of blizzards; CO snow; temps from 20s to 80s; severe weather in the Midwest; Rapid City snowstorm, with strong winds & ice pellets, up to 90 ph gusts; wet & windy in Chicago; 30s & dry in DC; MS Valley, Madison & Houston T’storms;
the ‘seeing eye horse’ for blind TARGET shopper; man used part of Madoff’s convict number,
and won $1,500 in a lottery; both parties think the ‘bank plan’ will work, a sign of confidence; equity firms will take the chance & invest, many are ‘wait & see’, because ‘will it work’; H&R Block has not helped fewer people on their taxes; PRES News Conference tonight; after decades living together, David Letterman gets married; $30 million in bonuses have been returned; Treasury DEPT completing its hiring process; mall stores cutting hours; man killed
himself, and his girlfriend at an Orlando hotel; renters still being evicted from homes whose landlords do not make mortgage payments; 4.7 quake shook S CA this AM; FL 911 operator didn’t believe a caller who later was found dead; beware the “April’s Fool Day” worm; prostate cancer: could remain as a benign disease; the case of the cloned car; nudists camps making money during recession; should drugs be legalized, then taxed; the newest ‘recession-proof boom town’ is Houston, with a 6.5% jobless rate, thanks to 2008 high oil & gas prices, more security in employment; MT flight may have passed through an ice cloud, which could be a crash factor, too much weight in the plane could cause a plane to stall; did not have a flight data recorder; DOW dropped;
VT Senate OKs gay marriage law, but could be stopped by that state’s GOV; Obama: the Teflon PRES?; abducted baby found unharmed in FL; CT woman handcuffed herself to her husband in order that would make amends; give up ‘risk rating’ to calculate health INS premiums?; less red meat, live longer life; more homes in the US being bought by ‘vultures’; TB + HIV = ‘; deadly; more volcanic eruptions threaten AK oil terminal; American condom factories move overseas;

the Colbert Room at the INTL Space Station?: joining Destiny, Unity & Harmony; gold is $921.80 per ounce; the Tata…a ‘good buy’, or ‘goodbye’?; as wide as a twin bed, the basic model, that looks like a toy, has no A/C, no airbag, one windshield, no power windows, two cylinders; foreign markets rally; oil is $53.10 per barrel; how to deal with underwear in outer space, Japanese firm creating stink-free items that can be worn one week at a time; an increase Nuclear or chemical attack against England?; Jamie Oliver will cook at the G–20;
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