24º in ABQ; 55% humidity at 6A…arrests in stealing shotguns from trunks of police cars; police standoff in Otero CNTY, near Alamogordo, man refused to surrender his home to foreclosure, but he killed himself in gunfire, feared explosion from propane tanks; NE Duke City SWAT situation; Extreme Fire Danger in E NM; car crashed in downtown Duke City, its ‘driver’, a prominent DUI attorney, found in a café, objected to take sobriety test, driving with expired license; overheard someone on the bus saying that there are empty stores in Coronado Mall; 14 – 19 year olds stole $100K in Santa Fe, guilty of 23 burglaries; MGR saw me talking with Kay Lusk; Jim sent an E-mail regarding my inquiry about missing CPT codes to
Candace; – 4º in Angel Fire this AM; ninth warmest January on record; NM Stampede at Santa Ana Star CTR; a man visiting in the Four Corners area is arrested for writing threatening E-mails to kill PRES Obama & Mall of America came from Cortez residence; two Friday AM robberies, stealing $10K in baseball bats & video games; the next three months may be warm & dry across NM;
possible improvised explosive device at S NM home; claiming ‘irregular hiring practices’, petition circulating UNM of no confidence in PRES Schmidley; Mike W., AKA ‘Box 30’; stream NM legislative floor sessions on the Internet; ‘murder victims do not have a second chance’; pay children up to $10K to victims whose family members have been killed; 25 Shiprock students trying to build a movable robot; vehicle crashed into Central AVE store; Delta Airline flight made emergency landing at SunPort; Stan, and his hard drive that was sitting on the HSC rug, while the doctor got a cup of coffee; be at Isleta Casino every Sunday to win a ‘groovy love bug’; next week, Nancy comes over for lunch, and will arrive at 10A…that’s all it took to turn the day around, from good to bad, light to dark, happy to sad; when will I rest next weekend?; NM has a state question: red or green?; got W-2 form today;
Daschle owes $120K in back taxes & interest; plane crashed in WV, killing six people; salmonella scare has sickened over 500 people, factory faces criminal charges; Palin’s political wardrobe has been found trashed; Oakland transit cop may have pulled out the wrong gun, fired bullets instead of stunning his victim; woman who gave birth to eight babies received eight eggs…at most, should have been given two: the doctor who fertilized the mother could be sued for
malpractice; the Native American Museum on the NATL Mall will display its inventory online; keep learning, know your boss, admit mistakes, arrive on time: keys to keeping your job; returning to college is expensive, and student loans are harder to obtain; Val Kilmer, king of the Bacchus Parade in New Orleans; ‘too posh to push’; NTSB examining bus crash near Hoover Dam; one million remain in the dark; three of the top ten dirtiest
motels in the US are part of the Days Inn chain, one is located in Tampa; the underdogs vs. the veterans; March is a good month to but desktop computers; some TV sets automatically scan channels; freeze warnings for Tampa tonight; CA baby born with six working digits on both hands & toes; Peanut Butter: the safe Sate; Code Orange at Mt. Redoubt; the best way to
help the economy might be to do nothing, let nature take its course, and let people [not money] solve the problems, no matter how long that may take; 26 banks received bailout bucks: 19 out of 21 that responded to an inquiry stated they used the money for bonuses; ‘arrogance & greed’ in executive compensation; three million people in CA will not receive state tax refunds, because the state can’t pay for them; NYC may cut teaching jobs; 42 deaths from US ice storm; more fires in Philly suburb city;
gunfire at Iraqi polling sites, but ‘basically quiet’, first provincial elections since 2005, high turnout; gunfire & rockets in Gaza; psychological curfew across Baghdad; 14K people, one-third of them women, were trying to win 400 political positions, and a peaceful passing of power; more suicides by US soldiers who are serving overseas; Australian heat wave;

Daschle owes $120K in back taxes & interest; plane crashed in WV, killing six people; salmonella scare has sickened over 500 people, factory faces criminal charges; Palin’s political wardrobe has been found trashed; Oakland transit cop may have pulled out the wrong gun, fired bullets instead of stunning his victim; woman who gave birth to eight babies received eight eggs…at most, should have been given two: the doctor who fertilized the mother could be sued for

gunfire at Iraqi polling sites, but ‘basically quiet’, first provincial elections since 2005, high turnout; gunfire & rockets in Gaza; psychological curfew across Baghdad; 14K people, one-third of them women, were trying to win 400 political positions, and a peaceful passing of power; more suicides by US soldiers who are serving overseas; Australian heat wave;
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