impossible praise; literally, we have a Monday & Friday this week; what a lonely, insulting person; the person who has nothing good to say about anyone; Walgreen’s after work; patient allergic to nickel; Brent told Loretta that nobody in PEDS Clinic Data Entry; finished Rounds by 9:30A; hadn’t shown Brent the revised form; too early to make changes on the new form; Anne, the Patriots fan, has left; MGR does not apologize; I am still considered a quiet person by most people; ‘where are the arrows?’; sick staff in Pavilion; Candace does not like MGR; other think it’s time to do something about the situation; I walked home after Myrna brought my to Walgreens; plus the legal hassles of UNMMG; no friends, for all those years, just fears; Myrna drove me home; stop saying things that people can misinterpret?; I remembered Sustiva; banana nut bread baked by Myrna; people cannot retaliate when MGR insults them, the ‘lower form’ is always guilty of insubordination; more people bringing in boxes of tissues; last Friday, Jenny & I compared ‘Bond girls’ that we liked;
100 vehicle pileup near Chicago; black ice caused collisions; nonstop winter weather;

temps in Vikings game never reached a ‘high’ of 0º; heat melted airplane windows; Wall ST execs still using corporate jets; small NJ plane struck trees, burst into flames, and broke apart, but passengers survived; how to handle a scandal; all 115 passengers on the Denver Airport plane survived; NATL AVG price of gas is $1.65 per gallon, the lowest in five years; tough times mean more Americans abandoning their pets; permission to scale back on holiday gifts, bake goods for gifts; Obama on ‘golf vacation’ in HI, while his staff battles Blagojevich: the truth may be revealed today; seniors enjoy video games; use IPod to determine alcohol level; the $300 self-cleaning kitty littler box; emergency slides helped flyers & crew evacuate fire; VP Biden will lead a task force for working families; 30% of people polled fear losing their jobs; 300K résumés sent to Obama transition team; CA has the most people; during the past year, MI & RI lost citizens, UT is the fastest growing state; AIG is selling itself, bit by bit; talking more, means eating less; the DOW is dropping; the ‘electronic leash’ on TX truant students; diamonds on rings that contain the remains of pets; Biden: VP input in ‘important decisions’; cutting benefits, not staff, to maintain good workers; TX boy survives near decapitation; TN power plant flooded area near Knoxville; Seattle airport ran out of de-icer; opposite side of the plane ignited, not the one whose engine fell: was wind a factor?; Michael Jackson may need a lung transplant, and is losing sight in one eye; runway incidents make up 33% of plane crashes; people sending fewer parcels; plane on Denver tarmac; was traveling 140 mph;
Chinese farmer used wolf poster to keep flock from running away; purple squirrel in the UK; the $127K UK pounds ‘flying car’, whose wings fold up; problems with yen may cause Toyota to post its first lost; mixed foreign markets; decapitated bodies found in MX; ‘high end image consultant’: she teaches people how to look & spend at the rate of $2,500 per hour; NYC is one, big ‘bargain basement’, this lady is given blank check, or a high dollar limit; remember: there is no year ‘zero’; price of oil has dropped to $39.91 per barrel; Zimbabwe natives boil leaves in contaminated water; there were more missile attacks in PAK; Russia selling missiles to Iran?; in Iraq, shoe thrower vs. throat slitter; Sean Combs as James Bond?;
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